
Calculator Sums Up 'Carbon Footprint'

The UK government is launching a calculator that will soon enable people to check how much they are contributing to global warming, when driving and when flying.

The special website for this environmental tool will calculate how people's home heating, appliances and personal transport add to the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. Questions range from whether homes are insulated to how they dry their clothes and how much water people put in their kettle for a cup of tea.

[via Guardian Unlimited]


Google revs up for a greener future

Google.org is giving $1M in grants to encourage the adoption of fuel-efficient, hybrid cars as part of a plan to make the entire firm carbon neutral by 2008.

The company has pledged a further $10M to help commercialize plug-in hybrids and fully electric vehicles.

Full story at BBC.co.uk: "Google's drive for clean future"

Photo by BBC


Cool Globes in Chicago

The City of Chicago will host "CoolGlobes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet" from June-September 2007. Cool Globes is an innovative project that uses the medium of public art to inspire individuals and organizations to take action against global warming. Over 120 extraordinary globes, designed by local, national and international artists, will be displayed along the lakefront using a variety of materials to create awareness and provoke discussion about potential solutions to global warming.

Visit CoolGlobes.org to view each globe in the exhibit online and learn about the artists and their solution to stop global warming.

You can also pledge to make at least five changes in your own life and be entered in a raffle to win a Toyota Prius.

[via StopGlobalWarming.org]


World Environment Day '07 Global Highlights

Around the world, nations celebrate World Environment Day. Let's take a look at some of the earth-friendly events that have transpired in different regions.

Too bad I wasn't able to attend the events on my side of the earth.

How did you or your country/region celebrate WED '07?

Photo source: UNEP.org

World Environment Day in Pictures

A Purple Frog

I love the color purple and I love animals, so imagine my excitement when I saw a picture of this fluorescent purple frog on Yahoo:


Isn't she lovely? This frog was among two dozen new species discovered in the remote plateaus of eastern Suriname.

Photo by Reuters
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