
We're dreaming of a Green Christmas

just like the ones we used to have years ago...
Can you save the environment and give gifts at the same time?  At first instance it seems impossible but just imagine if all the Christmas wrapping, cards, and boxes are recycled.  We would have helped save the environment and given Mother Nature a present.

Here's a tip from recyclenow.com:  Try a simple test and scrunch up a piece of wrapping paper in your hand. If it springs back you shouldn’t recycle.

Also, instead of buying stuff that just not might be appreciated, how about giving experiences instead like a free concert, a trip to sporting events, or a spa.  You might find ideas from Waste Free Holidays

Likewise, sharing or recycling presents can relieve your closets and cabinets of unwanted stuff.  Someone just might find use for that old lamp, clothes, and toys just don't return the items to the original sender.

May we all have a good season.  Share and Recycle, that's our Christmas wish for you.  

And one more thing, don't get too sloshed! 


Save the Environment With Reusable Bags

by Alfred Anderson

There is a growing concern about the environment today. Starting from activists to small children, most people are concerned about the environment. The concept of going green has gained a lot of prominence. However, this concept can only succeed if we a ready to make those small changes in our daily lives that finally result into a collective change in the bigger picture i.e. environment.

Environment conservation is not just about discussing the causes and potential threats; it is about finding good eco-friendly alternatives to the various items that are being used by us.

Plastic bags are one such item that is used extensively. As per estimates, The United States uses more than 100 billion new plastic bags a year. If we can cut down upon this usage or even better if we can stop using plastic bags completely, the environment can be benefitted in an immense way.

The huge consumption of plastic bags leads them to pile up in landfills after they are disposed of. Being low in weight, they fly away and settle in drains beaches and other areas. As a result the drains get clogged and the coastline gets polluted. Further more, estimates say that it takes 12 billion barrels of oil to produce the amount of plastic bags needed in US a year. That's quite a lot of oil and we can easily save it.

Papers bags too are not a good alternative to plastic bags. More paper bags means cutting down more trees which in itself is very bad for the environment. Moreover, paper bags produce much more waste in the atmosphere as compared to plastic bags.

Use reusable bags. These bags are made up of non woven polypropylene which is not only simple to make but also durable and strong in quality. They are available in a variety of styles and prints and can be customized to one's preference.

Alfred Anderson has rich experience in the field of online brand marketing. His interests includes Internet marketing and research on emerging online business trends. London rentals

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