Ecological Internet, the world's leading provider of environmental portals including and, will soon launch a new Internet e-zine entitled "New Earth Rising". The publication will be committed to biocentric thought, and promote sufficient ecological sustainability solutions to pressing global ecological crises. Today they announce they are accepting submissions for publication.
New Earth Rising will build upon years of ecological sustainability writings and actions on the web by Ecological Internet. In 1995 they introduced the world's first and longest continually running blog, and their President, Dr. Glen Barry, was the writer of the critically acclaimed and recently concluded "Earth Meanders" series of personal essays.
"I would like to appeal to our large international network -- including established and new environmental writers, scholars and activists -- for submissions. New Earth Rising will provide a unique opportunity to link what you know regarding the true extent of global ecological crises, with specific personal and social transformations necessary to achieve global ecological sustainability," explains Dr. Barry, New Earth Rising's editor.
New Earth Rising's editorial tone will strongly favor truthful ecological writings regarding global eco-crises, identifying necessary and sufficient solutions, and organizing action for their implementation. Submissions should be personal essays of 2-4 pages in length, and need not be scholarly and footnoted, but must be well-researched, informed and passionate.
The publication will be grounded in the ethics of biocentrism, deep ecology and political ecology. It will emphasize the need for ecological science and rationalism in formulating environmental public policy; examination of the seriousness of ecological and related social issues; propose necessary, sufficient and workable solutions involving global citizens,society and governments; and be skeptical regarding secular and religious ideologies.
The e-zine will initially publish bi-monthly, and also track other leading environmental writings elsewhere on the web. Initially essays will not be compensated, but will highlight the author's work to a large international audience. Please contact Dr. Barry with questions and submissions.
New Earth Rising --
Biocentric thought regarding the magnitude of global
ecological crises and sufficient responses to achieve
global ecological sustainability
Dr. Glen Barry,
+1 920 776 1075